Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lauren's Baptism

About a year and a half ago my very curious 4 year old told me she wanted to talk to me about asking Jesus to come into her heart. I will never forget that moment. We were at the park for her soccer practice and on the way over we stopped on a bench by the lake and had a talk and at that very moment my beautiful, trusting, honest, God loving daughter asked the Lord to come into her sweet little heart. That moment leads me to today, Lauren's Baptism.
She has been taught about Baptism and ever since she was saved she has been inquiring as to when it will be her turn. I asked our Pastor (who is also Lauren's grandfather - Tim's dad) if we could have a baptism service soon, and it was scheduled for today.
She was very nervous and excited at the same time this morning. I got her all ready and my parents came to watch as well, it was great to have them there. When she and I went back to get her changed she BROKE DOWN. I couldn't get her to stop crying. She was so nervous to do this in front of everyone. I didn't think I was going to go through with it. I prayed with her and was able to calm her down and she went through with it. Here are some pictures from today:
Answering the questions about salvation:

Getting ready to be imersed to identify with Christ's death and burial:

Coming back up to identify with Christ's resurection:

I am so proud of her for calming down and going through with this, and that it was all initiated by her. Tonight when I told her I was proud of her she said " I just wanted to make Jesus happy Mommy" What a proud mommy I am : )


  1. Lesley, I followed your link for your blog from your TR on the DIS (I'm donaldsgal). This is such an awesome post! I think it's cool to know other Disney fans are believers! I know I will burst with excitement when my niece gets baptized! Knowing the little ones we love also love Jesus is such a blessing. :) Congratulations to you and your family - especially Lauren!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is precious!!! Good job Lauren!

  4. Oh these pictures were great, Les.. Not being able to be there was really hard.. but the pics put me right back there even closer than I would have been up in the front seat where I sit.
    AWESOME!!! I am so proud of my little curly top.



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