Last night I went Christmas caroling with Lauren and her girl scout troop to a local retirement community. They had a list of residents who rarely or never receive visitors (which broke my heart). We knocked on doors and the residents eyes just lit up with the sight of little girls singing carols. They would bob their heads to the music, sing along (sometimes loudly) and complimented the girls after every song.
This lady was asleep when we knocked but roused quickly at the thought of having girls sing Christmas carols (can't you just see the joy in her eyes):
In one couples apartment, they asked us to come in and the girls surrounded his recliner before we noticed he was sitting there in his underwear.... oops! The nurse got him a blanket and the show went on : ) He LOVED the music and was singing so loudly with them. When the girls were done his wife said "where are you going?" and we explained we had a lot of other rooms to visit, to which she replied "ohhhh I would just love it if you could stay longer"..... heart wrenching.
Our final destination brought us to this lovely womans apartment:
She was so sweet and enjoyed them singing so much. As the girls turned to go she said "can I please have a hug", each girl lined up and hugged her one by one. She asked each girl their name and told them how beautiful their names where and to have a very Merry Christmas. Lauren was THRILLED because the lady told her "I have a grand daughter named Lauren, such a beautiful name."
What a wonderful experience and a great lesson for our girls. It did my heart good to spread love this Christmas season, especially to those who needed it most.