I have that horrible mothers guilt when I am at work away from my kids and any second that they ask me to do something and I legitimately can not for one reason or another, that "Can we play Mommy?" and my response of no and the look in their eyes keeps re playing in my mind over and over again.
I know I must cherish these days, they will be gone way too fast.
Now that school is out Lauren is SO excited to have me at home. Today we got some girl time, just she and I. We were in the kitchen getting breakfast and she said "this is great mom, I get you all to myself today!" PRECIOUS!

So, I will take time this summer, away from the hustle and bustle of school and just ENJOY my children and be the best mom that I can possibly be. I will take time to cuddle in the morning, take time to dive into the pool with them, take time for tickles, airplane rides, board games, hopscotch, airplane rides, quality time - what they crave more than anything, to simply be the best mom that I can be- because I know I am building the foundation and influencing my childrens lives and helping them turn into the remarkable individuals that I know they will be some day. When they look back on their child hood I want them to think they had a cool mom who loves them VERY much - I sure hope they do.

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